
Grasses and palm trees sway in the trade winds as birds fly into an open valley at the base of the majestic Mauna Kea. Cinder cones, lush greenery, billowing clouds, and snow; visit this land in a time before cities and observatories.
For an in depth look at the step by step process used in this painting and the connection between Poli'ahu and Mauna Kea, visit the blog post about this painting here: Making of Poli'ahu
At over 10,000 meters tall from its base, taller than mount Everest, Mauna Kea is one of the few places on Hawaii which receives snow. Standing at a few specific locations on the island it is possible to see snow, forest, cactus, and the ocean at the same time. This painting is a depiction of this sacred mountain before the time of cities and observatories.